Inguinal hernia (inguinal/groin tenderness) 

Reducible inguinal swelling worse when coughing.

Penile swelling 

Penile edema is painless, non-tender swelling of the penis. The swelling is caused by lymphatic vessel inflammation causing obstruction and fibrosis.

Inguinal bubo 

Unilateral or bilateral, tender, sometimes purulent inguinal and/or femoral lymphadenopathy. Develops 2-6 weeks after painful ulcer/papules.

Genital herpes 

Acute onset of multiple, vesicular or ulcerated lesions. May progress through stages of erythema, papules, short-lived vesicles, painful ulcers and crusts. Most often painful.

Primary syphilis lesion

Dark, red macule or papule, progressing into erosion, leading to a well‐circumscribed, flat ulcer with a yellow coated base and an indurated, non‐undermined wall (chancre). Most often not painful, and usually single lesion.

Urethral discharge 

Purulent or mucopurulent discharge from the urethra, often associated with dysuria, alguria, itching or foul odor. 

Abnormal vaginal discharge 

Vaginal discharge is fluid that comes from the vagina. Normal discharge helps to keep the vagina clean and moist to prevent infections. Normal vaginal discharge is clear, white or off-white in color. 

Abnormal discharge is a change in color, odor, or quantity. Abnormal color include greenish color, or anything looking like pus, or foaming or cottage-cheese-like discharge. 

Cottage-cheese / curd like discharge 

Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024, 3:37 PM