1. Go to menu option
  2. Open the DHISmobile Application (can be found in games folder on older phones
  3. Enter Username and Password (This step is only done once)
  4. Enter Pin (Once Username and Password are entered correctly the DHISmobile application will always open at this stage)
  5. On the Step D monthly CHW screen, press the ok button to open the next screen.

6. Press ok button > To select Month you want to report for on the Calendar

7. Select the reporting month from calendar and press ok.

8. After selecting the month on the calendar, this stage acts as a way of confirming that the month selected is which the report being sent is for.

9. Press next to open the Step D CHW monthly form

NB: Before data is transmitted by CHWs, the facility supervisor should verify the data.

Reporting Challenges

  • Lack of network connectivity in remote facilities
  • Loss of phone configuration

This is usually caused by 3 things:

  • There is no talk time on the phone.
  • There is no internet coverage where you are.
  • The phone lost its configuration and it needs to be reconfigured

Last modified: Wednesday, 26 August 2020, 1:50 PM