Android Phone

How to download Application:

  1. Go to google play store application on your phone / tablet
  2. Search for the application by typing " data capture for dhis2 " 
  3. Download and install the application
  4. Open the application - the following screen should appear

  1. Enter the following on each space:
  • Url:
  • Username: (Your facility or CHW username)
  • Password: (Facility or CHW Password)

Submitting report using the reporting phone (Android)
  1. Open dhis2 capture application on phone / phone (If already configured with url, username and password, continue following the steps below)
  2. Press on the choose organization unit - Select the facility organization unit at the bottom of list 

3. Press on choose data set - Select Malaria Rapid

4. Select reporting period - This should be the reporting week

5. Verify all the information. Then press on the last line

6. The page below should appear. Enter all the data in each field and send the data using the refresh button on the top left corner of the screen

Note: If application is not configured with url, username and password settings, go back to android phone configuration session

Last modified: Wednesday, 26 August 2020, 1:06 PM