In this Study Session, you have learned that:
- Community mobilisation is a process to encourage members of a community to act together to achieve desired community goals.
- The greatest benefits of community mobilisation are to build community capacity and to help the community identify and address its own needs. Other benefits are that all community groups are included and it encourages use of local resources. All these factors lead to improved sustainability.
- Developing a strategy for community mobilisation requires several steps. Knowing your community and understanding their needs and situation is essential.
- Working with community action groups can be helpful for prioritising and implementing specific projects.
- School children and WASH clubs and other community groups such as religious groups, youth associations and women’s groups all play an important role.
- Community mobilisation can be a challenging process because it requires time and can be costly. It requires good leadership and organisation as well as people with skills in facilitation and project management.
Last modified: Tuesday, 2 August 2016, 7:10 PM