Transfer station
Place where waste from primary collections is combined and transferred to a vehicle for transport to the final disposal site (9)
Unimproved facilities (sanitation)
Sanitation facilities that do not ensure the separation of faeces from people (1)
Increase in the number of people living in towns and cities relative to rural areas (1)
Urine diverting latrine
Type of latrine that separates urine and faeces, allowing the recovery of two products (5)
Type of small, mobile device for removing and transporting sludge from pit latrines (6)
Animals that can be responsible for spread of diseases e.g. mosquitoes, flies, rats(2)
Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine
Type of latrine fitted with a vent pipe to provide a natural ventilation system that reduces odours and fly nuisance (5)
Infectious agents that are not living organisms but are able to invade cells and cause them to manufacture more virus material (2)
Substances or objects that no longer have a use and are disposed of (1)
Waste hierarchy
A guide to the best ways of treating solid waste that ranks them in order of preference (1)
Waste management
Collection, treatment and disposal of solid waste (1)
Waste stabilisation ponds
Series of ponds where natural biological and physical processes remove pollutants from wastewater (6)
Willingness to pay
Extent to which people are motivated to pay for improved sanitation and waste management (13)