Parasitic worms
Group of parasites such as tapeworms or nematodes (also known as roundworms); helminthes (2)
Disease-causing agent (1)
Peri-urban areas
Areas around a town or city between the urban and rural areas and having some characteristics of both (2)
Measure of acidity and alkalinity. it has a scale from 0 to 14: ph 7 is neutral, less than 7 is acid and more than 7 is alkaline (6)
Placenta pit
Pit in a hospital or healthcare centre grounds for disposal of anatomical and pathological waste (placentas, body parts, blood, body fluids) (12)
Polluting potential
Potential of wastewaters to cause pollution, i.e. to cause damage to the condition, health, safety or welfare of animals, humans, plants or property (4)
Introduction into the environment of substances liable to cause harm (1)
Pour-flush toilet
Toilet where the urine and faeces are flushed away by pouring water from a jug down the toilet after use (5)
Primary collection
Collection of waste from individual households and businesses or from communal bins serving a number of households (9)
Primary treatment
First stage of the sewage treatment process where most solids are removed by sedimentation (6)
Private sector participation
Involving the private sector (in waste management) (9)
Process evaluation
Assessment of the ways a project or programme has been undertaken to determine whether it is on track to meet its aims (15)
Single-celled microscopic organisms, larger than bacteria (2)
Public-private partnership
Collaboration between a public sector body or organisation and a private sector company (9)
Qualitative data
Information collected about views and opinions (15)
Quantitative data
Measurable, factual data (15)
A set of questions that people are asked to answer as part of an assessment (3)