We will discuss in this study session the common faeco-oral diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. You will learn about faeco-oral diseases caused by protozoa and intestinal worms. The conditions covered in this study session are divided into two groups: bacterial and viral faeco-oral diseases characterised by diarrhoea, and those characterised by high fever.

We begin with three diarrhoeal diseases: cholera, shigellosis and rotavirus infections. In each case, you will learn about their specific infectious agents, occurrence, modes of transmission, symptoms and signs. Then we remind you of the common features of the diagnosis and treatment, prevention and control of diarrhoeal diseases, which you already studied in general terms.

Finally, we describe the febrile illness, typhoid fever, which is also transmitted by the faeco-oral route. The focus of discussion in this study session will be on aspects that will be especially important to you in your daily work.

Last modified: Thursday, 10 July 2014, 5:25 PM