The next four figuresĀ  illustrate some of the ways you and the caregivers can help a patient to exercise their joints and muscles to prevent stiffness and contraction due to pain, or lying still for a long time.

The elbow being exercised by gently bringing the hand as close as possible to the shoulder.

Exercise the elbow by gently bringing the hand as close as possible to the shoulder.

The wrist is exercised by moving it around in circles.

Exercise the wrist by moving it around in circles.

The shoulder is exercised by lifting the arm up and bringing it behind the head.

Exercise the shoulder by lifting the arm up and bringing it behind the head and gently laying it back as far as possible.

The knee is exercised by bringing it as close as possible to the chest.

Exercise the knee by lifting the thigh up and bringing it close to the chest as far as possible.
Last modified: Sunday, 6 July 2014, 9:35 PM