Key performance indicator (kpi)

The most important measures of performance by organisations in terms of meeting their strategic and operational goals. (13)

Knowledge management

The process of capturing, distributing and effectively using knowledge. (11)


The art of knowing what to do and then seeing that it is done in the best and most cost-effective way. (7)

Management information system (mis)

Computer-based system that is used to record, process, integrate and store data. (13)


Treated as insignificant or not important. (8)

Memorandum of understanding (mou)

Formal working document that outlines procedures and the roles, responsibilities and accountability of the organisations that sign it towards meeting a certain objective. (2)

Microfinance institution

Finance institutions that provide banking services, including loans for low-income groups and individuals. (9)

Millennium development goals (mdgs)

Internationally agreed, time-bound and quantified targets for development. the eight goals were set in 2000 at the united nations millennium summit and the goals were to be achieved by 2015. (2)

Mitigation (of climate change)

Reducing the negative effects of something undesirable; reducing the causes of climate change e.g. by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. (15)


An approach, or procedures to be followed, to carry out a certain task; the way or mode in which something is done. (6)


Systematic and continuous assessment of the progress of a project or programme over time in order to check that activities are going to plan (13)

Monitoring and evaluation (m&e)

Set of processes designed to measure the achievements and progress of a project or programme; involves collecting data before, during and after implementation. (7)


International institutions and organisations such as the world bank, the united nations and its agencies, i.e. many countries are involved. (9)

Multi-stakeholder forum (msf)

Largest annual forum in the wash calendar in ethiopia. it brings together all the main stakeholders from government at federal and regional levels of the four wash ministries, development partners, ngos and representatives of the private sector and academic institutions. (11)

Multi-village schemes

Water supply system that extends from a single common source to many villages located around it with separate distribution points for each village. (6)

National wash inventory (nwi)

Integrated listing of water supply, sanitation and hygiene service coverage data in ethiopia. (3)

National wash steering committee (nwsc)

The top of the ownp hierarchy, responsible for providing the overall guidance and general direction for wash sector ministries and their respective regional bureaus and woreda offices. (7)

National wash technical team (nwtt)

Responsible for managerial oversight of technical activities at national level. (7)

Non-governmental organisation (ngo)

Any organisation that is not part of a government. (9)

Last modified: Tuesday, 7 June 2016, 8:27 AM