In this study session, you have learned that:

  • The main ways to prevent sexual HIV transmission among adults are abstinence from premarital sexual intercourse, faithfulness to a partner, and correct and consistent use of condoms, often termed the ‘ABC rules’.
  • Discussion on safer sexual practices for sexually active people should include decreasing the number of partners, and consistent and regular non-penetrative sexual practices, and/or use of condoms for penetrative sex.
  • Prevention of HIV transmission via contaminated blood involves avoiding contact with objects potentially contaminated with blood, and reducing unsafe and/or harmful traditional practices.
  • Community mobilisation is a process through which community, individuals, groups and organisations plan, carry out and evaluate activities on a participatory and sustained basis to achieve an agreed-upon goal, either on their own initiative or stimulated by others.
  • Community mobilisation in general involves certain basic steps, including defining the problem, designing and evaluating strategies, setting objectives, selecting target groups, and identifying partners. These also apply to HIV/AIDS-related community mobilisation efforts.
  • The national HIV prevention strategy generally involves conducting an ongoing community dialogue about HIV/AIDS-related problems to create awareness and stimulate behavioural change.
  • Active involvement of most ‘at risk’ populations and PLHIV are integral in the effort to maximise community mobilisation for HIV prevention.
Last modified: Sunday, 6 July 2014, 11:22 PM