Communicable Diseases Part 2 - Ethiopia (Full)
Topic outline
Introduction, Transmission and Tuberculosis Case Finding
What is TB?
Tuberculosis burden in Ethiopia
How is TB transmitted?
Natural history of tuberculosis
What is the difference between TB infection and TB disease?
How to identify a person with suspected TB
Case finding through confirmation of a TB suspect by sputum examination
Diagnosis and Treatment of Tuberculosis
Diagnostic methods
Chest X-ray
TB culture from sputum
Patient categories and treatment regimens
Treatment regimens for different TB categories
Treatment regimens
Anti-TB drug treatment in special situations
Treatment of TB patients under Directly Observed Treatment (DOTS)
Follow-up of Patients on Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment and Defaulter Tracing
Monitoring of TB patients during treatment
Refilling of medication and adherence to treatment
Monitoring of patients with sputum smear-positive pulmonary TB
Coordinating transfers when a patient is moving
Arrangements for patients who travel
Conducting home visits for patients who miss a dose
Tuberculosis Treatment in Special Conditions: TB in Children, HIV/TB and Drug Resistant TB
Diagnosis and management of TB in children
TB/HIV co-infection
Effect of HIV on tuberculosis
Effect of tuberculosis on people living with HIV
Diagnosis of TB in HIV-positive patients
Prevention and management of TB among PLHIV
Tuberculosis Infection Control
Administrative controls
Environmental controls
Personal protective interventions
Community-based TB control
Leprosy Diagnosis
What is leprosy?
How can leprosy be controlled?
Diagnosing leprosy
Checklist for examination of the skin
Examination/palpation of the peripheral nerves
Examination of hands and feet for loss of sensation
‘Little finger out’ test of ulnar nerve function
‘Wrist back’ test of radial nerve function
‘Foot up’ test of peroneal nerve function
Leprosy Treatment
Classification of leprosy
MDT drug regimens
How to administer MDT for leprosy
Accompanied MDT
Leprosy complications and management
Managing leprosy reactions