Antenatal Care Part 2 - Ethiopia (Full)
Topic outline
Providing Focused Antenatal Care (FANC)
Focused antenatal care: concepts and principles
Advantages of FANC
Failings of the traditional approach to antenatal care
Comparions of traditional and focused antenatal care
Important elements of FANC
The basic and specialised components of FANC
The first FANC visit
The fourth FANC visit
Normal birth preparedness
Birthing supplies the mother should prepare
Complication readiness and emergency planning
Causes of delay in getting emergency help
Making a referral
Health Promotion Issues During Pregnancy
Eating well
Talking to women about food
Eating well with little money
Food groups and their nutrients
The five most important vitamins and minerals
Hygiene during pregnancy
Immunization against tetanus
Benefits of early and exclusive breastfeeding
Unhealthy beliefs and practices about feeding newborns
Postpartum family planning
Benefits of birth spacing
Counselling on Danger Symptoms
General principles of counselling the pregnant woman
What is special about counselling pregnant women?
What are the common danger symptoms during pregnancy?
Telling pregnant women about the danger symptoms
Advantages of husband/partner involvement in antenatal counselling
Reduce Mother to Child Transmission of HIV
When does HIV transmission occur from mother to baby?
Risk factors that increase the risk of HIV transmission during pregnancy
PMTCT: core interventions
Antiretroviral prophylaxis (ARP) and antiretroviral therapy (ART)
Detecting HIV infection using blood tests
Counselling women who refuse HIV testing
Infection can cause PROM
Multiple pregnancy and excess amniotic fluid
Diagnosis of PROM
Infection after PROM
Cord prolapse
When should you conduct the delivery before referral?
Common Medical Disorders in Pregnancy
Malaria in pregnancy
Anaemia in pregnancy
Prevention of anaemia in pregnancy
Urinary tract infections
Diagnosing UTIs
Treating a bladder infection
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Effects on blood vessels and body fluids
Effects of maternal hypertension on the fetus
Common complications of severe pre-eclampsia for the mother
Summarising maternal and fetal complications of severe pre-eclampsia
Classification of hypertension during pregnancy
Classification of pre-eclampsia
Diagnostic signs of eclampsia
Risk factors for pre-eclampsia/eclampsia
Clinical features of eclampsia
Actions if pre-eclampsia is not severe
Supportive pre-referral treatment for severe pre-eclampsia
Emergency referral for eclampsia
Abortion and other Causes of Early Pregnancy Bleeding
Spontaneous abortion
Induced abortion
Clinical classification of abortion
Legal aspects of abortion in Ethiopia
Woman-centred comprehensive post-abortion care
Important messages for women after a spontaneous or induced abortion
Follow-up care after an abortion
Pre-referral treatment in an emergency
Ectopic pregnancy
Molar pregnancy
Post-abortion family planning
Late Pregnancy Bleeding
Haemorrhagic shock
Placenta previa
What to do for a woman with late pregnancy bleeding
Starting IV Fluid Therapy and Catheterising the Pregnant Woman
When to start IV fluid therapy
Setting up the IV fluid therapy equipment
Sterile techniques for IV fluid therapy
Selecting the IV cannula
Selecting the venipuncture site
Inserting the IV cannula
Monitoring during IV therapy
Establishing a monitoring routine
Bladder catheterisation
Steps in the catheterisation procedure